as•sem•bly |ə-sěm'blē| (noun)
1. a group of people gathered in one place for a common purpose.
2. a public facility to meet for open discussion.
3. the action of fitting together component parts of a machine or
other object.
4. a collective of artists dedicated to realizing a new American theater.

Our Family
The Assembly's work is made possible thanks to our generous community of donors:
Nick and Helen Banner, Micah Baskir, The Beckley Family Fund, Nic Benacerraf and Kate Fry, Paul Benacerraf, Susan Bernfield, Madeleine Bersin, Rachel Chavkin, Jeanne Cochran, Gregory Gorman and Charlie Ballard, Cynthia Karl, Howard and Elaine Leventhal Charitable Fund, Benito Lucio, Rita Lucio, Dr. Suzanne Miller, Emily and Moti Margolin, Barbara Pollard Stein and Dr. Mitchell Stein, Jennifer and Stepan Riha, Mark Rudd and Marla Painter, John Slotkin, Laura Stein, Jody Falco and Jeffrey Steinman, Michael Urie and Ryan Spahn, Donald and Katherine Weida, and anonymous donors.
Eryn Allen, Clea Alsip, Kieron Anthony, Jess Applebaum, William Arbery, Stephen Aubrey and Lisa Szolovits, Kelsea Baker, Nick and Helen Banner, Caroline Barnard, Micah Baskir, Ben Beckley, The Beckley Family Fund, Nic Benacerraf and Kate Fry, Teddy Bergman, Susan Bernfield, Madeleine Bersin, Denise Bessette, Jeremy Blocker, Mary Ellen and Bill Bowen, Stacey and David Brodsky, Brad Burgess, Brendan Burke, Adam Burnett, Colleen and Glenn Caffery, Linda Hillman Chayes and Michael Chayes, Adam Chayes, Daniel Chayes, Edward Chin-Lyn, Ben Cikanek, Jeanne Cochran, Diane Davis, Ella Dershowitz, Joshua Dudley, Greg Edwards, Rick Elice, Atara Ellenberg, Sam Faustine, Dan Feyer, Devin Fletcher, Vivia Font, Jena Fox, Robin Giese, Gregory Gorman and Charlie Ballard, Barbara Guss, Max Helfand, Drew and laura Hildebrand, Marilyn K. Hillman, Bryan Hobgood, Robert Honeywell, Jill Horowitz, Sarah Hughes, Mia Hull, Max Hunter, Parrish Hurley, Christopher Hurt, Anna Ishida, Jax Jackson, Lucy Jackson, Nico Juber, Matthew Karl, Pat and Cynthia Karl, Jeff Kitrosser and Lauren Berger, Isaac Klein, Eileen and Peter Koffler, Rory Kulz, Yuri Kye, Stephi Lambourn, Robert Landau, Helen Laser, Howard and Elaine Leventhal Charitable Fund, Dréa Lewis, Katie Lindsay, Ann Lonsdale, Alison Looman, Benito Lucio, Daniel and Joanna Lucio, Paula Markowitz Wittlin, Wythe Marschall, Ian Martinez, Daniel Maseda, Cara Maurizi, Danny Mendoza, David Milch, Emma Montoya Hills, Allyson Morgan, Jenna Morgenstern, Caitlin Morris, Network for Good, Beto O'Byrne, Virginia Ogden, Shaun Peknic, Meropi Peponides, Emily and Moti Margolin, Barbara Pollard Stein and Dr. Mitchell Stein, Jason Ralph, Gaby Resende, David Rodwin, Jessica Blair Rogers, Cindy Rosenthal, Chuck and Rebecca Rozakis, Mark Rudd and Marla Painter, Marta Sanders, Nicole Serratore, Steve and Sherry Seward, Vicki Shaghoian, David Skeist, Keith Randolph Smith, Therese Rosenblatt and Marshall Sonnenshine, Mitchell Sparks, Janice and Ira Starr, Jody Falco and Jeffrey Steinman, Moira Stone, Amy Surgan, Liz Thaler and David Haan, The Benevity Community Impact Fund, Richard Thieriot, Colin Thomson, Sujan and Stephanie Trivedi, Rachel Trousdale, Liba Vaynberg, John Vennema, Hank Willenbrink, Henry Wishcamper, wolf, Elizabeth Wollman, Zach Zamchick, and anonymous donors.
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to The Assembly
We make theater because we believe in its power to promote empathy, dramatize complexity, and harness the ideas of many into a nuanced pictures of what it means to live in America today. But the truth is that these efforts cannot be supported by ticket sales alone. Just as it takes a community of artists to create these productions, it takes a community of supporters to bring them to light. We depend on your generosity to create innovative, visceral and intelligent theater.
Donate by Credit Card
Clike here to donate securely by credit card via Stripe.
Monthly Donations
The Assembly is co-run by five dedicated collaborators who share all administrative duties and strive to keep our overhead costs low. We are currently building a club of monthly donors to cover our regular operating expenses, such as website hosting, storage units for scenery, rehearsal space, and Foundation Center membership. Click the button above to set up a recurring donation that will help us keep the fires burning year round as we incubate new projects.
Donate by Check
Make your check out to "The Assembly" and mail it to:
The Assembly
P.O. Box 150240
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Jax Jackson, Daniel Maseda, and Gaby Resende in Seagullmachine. Photo by Theo Cote.